This is an extra credit activity.
Please post the two questions that you created for "Gimpel the Fool" and also answer them in detailed paragraphs that provide textual evidence. After posting your own questions and answering them, answer two of your classmates' questions, using the same kind of detailed support.
1)why does Gimpel believe everything everyone says?
2) why does Elka take advantage of Gimpel?
1) what is the reason for Gimpel leaving his town?
2) Why does Gimpel believe that his wife didnt cheat on him?
1. Is Gimpel as foolish as everyone thinks he is?
I don't think Gimpel is really as vulnerable as other people think he is. In the first paragraph of the story, he says that he does not think he is a fool. He knows when people are trying to trick him to get a good laugh. But on the other hand, Gimpel knows his wife is cheating on him, he has caught her in bed with other men twice. I think that he is not foolish, he just wants to believe certain things and disreguard others.
2. How does seeing Elka is his dream influence him to finally leave?
I think that the dream gave him a sense of closure. He needed to see her and talk to her to get it out of his system. After the dream and seeing the Devil he got what he needed and felt strong enough to leave the town where everyone judged him and start over. If Elka didn't die I think he would have stayed and been unsure for the rest of his life.
Megan's question: I think that Gimpel refused to believe what he saw. To me, it seemed like he wanted to think that Elka was good because he himself had such a good heart. He might have been strong enough to put up with all of the towns people making jokes about him, but he wasnt strong enough to leave the woman he thought he loved and he thought was the mother of his children.
Dillan's question: I think that Elka takes advantage of Gimpel simply because she can. She knows his weaknesses and plays on them. If she knows that she can convince him of anything, why not do what she wants and lie to him later?
What is Gimpel thinking when he leaves Frampol?
I think Gimpel realized that he has no purpose for raising his kids and living in Frampol anymore. Gimpel was really caught off guard when Elka told him the truth when she was dying. He was finally able to beleive in the worst with comformation from his wife. I think he felt that as long as he was loyal to his wife and she told him that she was loyal, Gimpel would have a reason to live in Frampol and support his family.
Why do you think Gimpel didn't get fooled as much after he left Frampol?
I think Gimpel was able to break free of the lies and tricks once he left Frampol. He was only fooled in Frampol because everybody knew him and his vulnerability within the small town. Once Gimpel went on the road he encountered people that don't know how gulible he is and in turn don't know to fool him. Gimpel explains at the end of the story about meeting new people and seeing new faces which keeps him from getting fooled and tricked as much.
My Questions:
1. Why does Gimple stay strong with his relationship with his wife when he knows she is cheating on him?
I think he thinks that there is good in everyone and he wants to believe that his wife is a good person. He has faith that his wife will realize that she is wrong and he wants to believe that his wife will see that what she is doing is wrong.
2. If Gimple thinks he is not a fool then why does he let people make a fool of him?
I think because of the already built up perception of himself being a fool, he just goes along with it because he doesn't want to cause a fuss over something silly. He really knows that he is not a fool and thats all that he cares about. He doesn't really need other people to tell him what he is and isn't because he has faith in the person he is.
Megan 2: I think Gimple does believe that his wife cheats on him but he chooses to not respond to it because he wants to believe that his wife is a better person than that. He catches his wife with other men twice yet he still does not leave her, or infact make any confrontation. He just lets it go hoping that his wife will stop taking advantage of their relationship.
Dillan 2: Elka takes advantage of Gimple becuase Gimple makes it easy. He presents so many opportunities for Elka to lie to him and get away with doing bad things to him. He never confronts her or her bad decisions and this just enables her to continue making poor decisions and to continue taking advantage of Gimple.
Response to Jill Parkers question-
2)I think Gimpel is a little slow of a person mentally. I think he has the capability to speak his mind but he stays strong to his beliefs. In turn he thinks he is not a fool so he tells the reader that but he stops with that statement and doesn't have the ability to avoid others fooling him. I don't think he wants to let people make him out to be a fool but he isn't mentally smart enough to avoid the abuse.
Response to Dillan Claires question
I think Elka takes advantage of Gimpel because she has no respect for Gimpel and their marriage. She also takes advantage of Gimpel because she can. She can get Gimpel to think whatever she tells him which allows her to do anything she wants. She has no reason to divorce Gimpel as long as she isn't against adultry in which she is not in this story. Elka lives her whole life at home not having to do a single thing. She is living the life so she feels she should take advantage of Gimpel to get that perfect life.
Interesting stuff to read. Keep it up.
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