For Wednesday, consider one of the following additional exercises regarding "A Worn Path" and write a detailed response.
1. How does the title relate to the short story itself? Why did the author (Welty, who is shown on the left) choose that title? What does the title highlight about the story?
2. What social classes are represented in the story? To what extent is each depicted? How does the author feel about them?
How does the title relate to the short story itself? Why did the author choose that title? What does the title highlight about the story?
The title relates to the story itself because most of the story is told from Pheonix's journey on the "worn path". It is a journey she has made many times before and will continue to make for the rest of her life.
I think Welty chose the title because the path is such a crucial element to the story; without the path, the story would not really exist.
The title highlights the importance of Pheonix's journey. It is worn from her many trips, and in a sense highlights her age.
1. The title relates to the story because this path that the protagonist travels on is the main idea behind the story. The entire story is about this journey that Pheonix has taken countless times, so many that she knows every detail of the path; the title just supports the story. I think that Welty chose that title to help foreshadow the plot of the story. It gives some hints but does not give everything away. The title highlights and draws attention to the fact that Pheonix has gone into town for that medicine so many times.
I think the title relates to the story a lot. The story is about a woman who has been walking the same path to get to town in order to get medicine for her grandson. The story suggests that she will have to keep on making trips on that same path for her grandson. I think the author chose the title because the story mainly takes place on the path Phoenix is taking. The title highlights that Phoenix is very determined and that she is old. I don't think another title would fit any better than this one.
I believe that the title relates to the short story itself because it is about this old woman who has travelled the path in the story many times, but has also travelled the path of life for quite a while...because shes old. I think that the author chose this title because it fits really well into the main plot of the story, and because it symbolizes the old womans journey through life. The title of the story highlights pretty much all the things I just said; the actual path she walks, her age, and her journey through life.
The title relates to the story because it talks about the worn path and the whole story is about this old woman, Phoenix, walking down a path. In many ways i think that the path represents the old woman's journey through life and how she is worn out.
I think that Welty chose this title because it is a good representation of the story. The story kind of implies that the old woman didn't have the easiest life. So the author probably chose it to show that her life had been long and hard and that she was worn out. The title highlights all of the siginificant things that Phoenix has done in her lifetime and it also shows how important these trips into town were for here, her character fits the title very well.
the title is related to the story because the protagonist of the story (phoenix) has been on a worn path her whole life. she's had little up's and many down's. she's a toughened women
i think that welty chose that title because the whole story is revolving around the path. The path represents the journey Phoenix has taken in order make her life a little more peaceful. With no main point to a story, why even write one.
The title highlights her life's journey; past, present, and most likely, future.
I think the title relates to the story itself because Pheonix takes the same path over and over again. She takes the path numerous times so it is worn down. I think Welty used that title because the whole story was kind of centered around the path Pheonix was taking. The title highlights the occurance of a commonly traveled path. The path is shown to be a guide to Pheonix and is very significant in her journey.
1. How does the title relate to the short story itself?
I think the title is explicit in the stories meaning. Pheonix is taking a long journey on a "worn path." We learn that she has traveled this path several times, thus making it worn.
2. Why did the author choose that title?
I think that Welty chose that particular title because is gives the reader insight into what the story will be about but she leaves the meaning of the taking the worn path to be uncovered at the end of the story.
3. What does the title highlight about the story?
I think the title highlights the fact that Pheonix has travelled the path so many times and knows the path inside and out. It highlights that Pheonix is very accustomed to making this long weary trip and that she is the person that wore down the path.
What social classes are represented in the story? To what extent is each depicted? How does the author feel about them?
There are many different social classes shown throughout the story. Such as when the main character is worried about her shoes being untied when she come into a public place. I think that the (white) hunter though that he was better than Pheonix and that it was okay for him to point a gun in her face, because he is better. That shows the difference of the racial class in the story. Pheonix is also treated with such respect when she is in the store. I see this as a social class in age superiority. I think that the author feels that racial classes should not exist and that no one is better thatn any one else because of their skin tone. Otherwise I think that the author isn't doing anymore than addressing the other classes for what they are worth.
I think the title "A Worn Path" relates to the story because the story takes place while taking a rough journey, on a path that she takes many trips on. It's not her first time going to town. I also think its called this because the main character, Pheonix, can tell you everything about the path because she has been on it so many times. The title is a huge foreshadow for the story.
I think the title relates to the short story because phoenix has been down that path she had taken so many times before that it is worn. She knows the path so well that even though shes blind she can still follow it.
The reason Welty chose the title "The Worn Path"in my opinion is because she wanted to emphasize
the idea that the setting defines the story. The story is based mostly on phoenix's trip to town and all the obstacles along the way are what make the story eventful.
Response to question 1
I think the title relates to the story because phoenix walks the same path back and forth from her home to town all the time. she doesn't walk any other paths so it makes the path she walks worn.
The author chose this title because the path is the most important part to who phoenix is. by walking this path all the time and being as old as she is it truly shows what a strong willed and lonely woman she is.
The title highlights the story by the amount of times it was walked on by old lady phoenix. it tells you how old she must be if the path is worn and shows how strong phoenix is by walking the path.
1. The title of the story diresctly relates to the story itself. The story is about an elderly lady walking along a path which she walks very frequently. Hence, the name the worn path. I think the author chose this title to give the reader a preview what is to come in the story. The title tells us alot about the story and even hints towards some possible themes. The title highlights the main events of the story. For almost the entire story the reader is told about Pheonix's trip along the worn path. The title foreshadows the storys plot.
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